Saturday, November 20, 2010

From here to there.

I just wanted to post here some ideas I've been thinking about for this project. Licap that is.

I've been reading about Processing and Isadora and it seems as though meshing the two together would be best for this next project. Hopefully quite seamlessly as well.

Take data from the sensors of the Licap suit into the arduino lilypad into the xbee and into the xbee connected to a laptop, then into processing, then to isadora. Each step along the way the data would be shifted and moved to form into new data or rather... a new form of the same data so it could be "read" by the other steps. Then after all these steps be shown on the screen and heard through the speakers.

Here is a tutorial about the very thing I am talking about. But in this nothing is changed along the way, it is merely transferred, this can be edited though, to suit our needs.

Hmmm... also. I thought some eye candy was in order.
This is REM's Animal... alot of it was created using processing.

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